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The ancient and very modern art of making oil

The Pomponio family farm was founded in 1985, resorting exclusively from the local supply chain for both organic and conventional production. It soon became the reference oil mill in the lower Sinello area.

Antonio, Angelica, Fiorenzo, Roberto - Famiglia Pomponio
Olio extra vergine di oliva - Famiglia Pomponio

“The Pomponio family’s tradition goes back over 100 years, with olive groves dating back to 1888.”

“It is no secret that the hills of Scerne are among the most suitable areas for olive cultivation in the whole of central Italy.”

“Today Pomponio’s farm is a model company that takes care of every need of its customers and offers internships to students from the nearby agricultural institute.”

“What does it mean to have your own oil mill? It means personally taking care of the delicate steps that lead from the olives to the quality oil.”